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Author Topic: Using MemForm again  (Read 2723 times)


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Using MemForm again
« on: April 21, 2024, 03:50:40 AM »
Hi, Using NT14.18 and C11.0.136
I am using a Memform called in Change mode.  I am collecting data and using it to write to 3 different tables.
I am putting my code in the ValidateUpdate Routine ( which calls the do CompleteForm and do ValidateRecord routines) and it calls these first.
However, if I open the memform and click the "Save" button for the form, it starts writing to my 3 tables and then pops up a message that required fields are not filled in... However, I want it to get the required fields FIRST.  Is there a statement like IF ALL FIELDS ARE VALIDATED then go ahead and write to the tables.  If NOT ALL VALIDATED then remind them to fill in the required fields?


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Re: Using MemForm again
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2024, 07:32:51 AM »
I had to move my code to the "POST UPDATE".   That allowed all the field validations and then when they were all validated, the code ran the UPDATE and then my code in the "POST UPDATE" embed.  I had called the Memform in "Change" mode.