Ive tried using:
if pim:Link
if FileToBLOB(longpath()&'\web'&pim:link,pim:blobimagen)
p_web.AddLog( 'Was not copied - ERRORCODE: ' & ERRORCODE())
p_web.AddLog('size: '&pim:blobimagen{PROP:Size})
In Validate, FileToBlob is ok
Size is Ok
But the blob field is not saved
Its a MsSql backend and what arrives to the server for an update is
UPDATE p_Imagenes SET LINK = @P1 WHERE ID = @P2 ','\uploads\zxsrdajb.png',2
only the link is updated but not the blob
and for an insert
INSERT INTO p_Imagenes (ID,IDENVIO,LINK,FECHA,TIPO,HORA,BLOBIMAGEN) VALUES (@P1,@P2,@P3,@P4,@P5,@P6,@P7)',4,61,'\uploads\cpfliibu.png','2022-06-02',0,'15:36',NULL
saving NULL to the blob