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Author Topic: TLS connection to FileZilla server  (Read 25967 times)


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TLS connection to FileZilla server
« on: October 19, 2021, 02:30:06 PM »
NT: 12.26

NetTalk does not seem to be able to establish a TLS data connection. I modified the example to connect to my FTP server using both Ftp:ImplicitSSL and Ftp:ExplicitSSL, both with similar results. Ftp:ImplicitSSLControl does not look like it's supported by FileZilla anymore.

Code: [Select]
===== Control Connection Opened =====
220-FileZilla Server 1.0.1
220 Please visit
>>USER UpdateBuilder
331 Please, specify the password.
>>PASS ****
230 Login successful.
215 UNIX emulated by FileZilla.
>>PBSZ 0
200 PBSZ=0
200 Protection level set to P
257 "/" is current directory.
200 Type set to I
>>SIZE /Patch4.1.2.msp
213 10129408
227 Entering Passive Mode (216,171,235,114,234,212)
>>RETR /Patch4.1.2.msp
150 About to start data transfer.
===== Data Connection Opened =====
===== Data Connection Closed =====
===== Error: Error occured while receiving a file, not all data was received
===== Click Close to close window =====
425 Unable to build data connection: TLS session of data connection not resumed.
===== Error: Unknown Reply from FTP Server. Reply = 425[425 Unable to build data connection: TLS session of data connection not resumed.
] Command =
===== Click Close to close window =====

I also tried passive mode, but that timed out.

Code: [Select]
===== Control Connection Opened =====
220-FileZilla Server 1.0.1
220 Please visit
>>USER UpdateBuilder
331 Please, specify the password.
>>PASS ****
230 Login successful.
215 UNIX emulated by FileZilla.
>>PBSZ 0
200 PBSZ=0
200 Protection level set to P
257 "/" is current directory.
200 Type set to I
>>SIZE /Patch4.1.2.msp
213 10129408
>>PORT 192,168,50,227,9,212
200 PORT command successful.
>>RETR /Patch4.1.2.msp
150 Starting data transfer.
425 Unable to build data connection: ETIMEDOUT - Connection attempt timed out
===== Error: Unable to open data connection [425 Unable to build data connection: ETIMEDOUT - Connection attempt timed out
===== Click Close to close window =====

On a side note I have to set DontVerifyRemoteCertificateCommonName = TRUE for the data object when using both implicit and explicit, and for the data and control objects then using explicit. NetTalk look to be trying to verify the common name against the ip address on subsequent connections.

Also I censored the password, it is not ****
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