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Author Topic: Run process on Server Side  (Read 3900 times)


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Run process on Server Side
« on: April 19, 2009, 02:29:09 PM »
I need to run two processes on the server side - is this possible either with Net Talk or Net Talk to an outside Clarion exe on server that does the work....

1. I want to return a record for insert into a table - and on the server side I need to take pieces of it and populate two other tables.
2. I want to identify a group of records, each record having a link to a pdf file.  I want to return the selected records to the server and have the server build a PDF file out of all the individual PDF files.  I am using Tracker PDF tools to do the PDF build.

How could I get these two tasks done?

Ron Jolda

kevin plummer

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Re: Run process on Server Side
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2009, 04:35:19 PM »
Hi Ron,

1) Very easy in the Validate on Save Embed on a form - just code it like you would in a clarion windows app. You may need to Access:xxx.usefile() to the files you are inserting the records into.
2) The first part again is pure clarion code if you can embed the process on a button of validate embed. For the second part I have not used Tracker but I would just check the docs to see if you can merge pdf files. If not you can buy a $15 pdf merge program from the internet which can do this for you. You would need to use Run command for this but I'm not sure how this approach would go in a multi threaded app.

Another thing to consider is how long this process will take. If it takes too long the browser will get tired waiting and throw an error. There are methods of keeping the connection alive but I have not tried them yet as I have problems creating large reports. It would be great to have some native Nettalk support for this.

