Hi, Im trying to make more pin icons for my maps, but I cant make it work.
Ive open MapPinBlue.ico, change its color and save it as MapPinLightBlue.ico and when I use it it does not show.
Even make another ones, all 32x32 - 32 like the MapPins*.ico provided.
Attached goes some examples that does not work.
All icon properties are the same as the provided.
Following the code... in draw.clw in:
LoadIcon32 routine ! Load from disk
! The 32 bit icon format stores each pixel are an BGRA triplet, with the fourth byte in each long an Alpha value
! This is in fact the simplest format to handle, as it does not use a combination of an XOR and an AND mask.
imageStart = iconDirEntry.dwImageOffset + 1 + Size(iconImage)
imageEnd = imageStart + [b]iconImage.biSizeImage[/b]
MESSAGE('start: '&imageStart&' '&imageEnd&' size:'&iconImage.biSizeImage)! <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
in my icons, iconImage.biSizeImage=0, in the one provided is 4224 !
If I change
imageEnd = imageStart + iconImage.biSizeImage
imageEnd = imageStart + 4224 !the size of yours icons
It works, all icons are shown.
Ive tried, but I could not figure out where and how you calculate iconImage.biSizeImage
Sory but theres the problem.