I have the Listener/Web Hook app working pretty well. I have the following code in the Processed Code embed of my NetWebServiceMethod procedure:
st.SetValue( p_web.GetValue('xml') )
st.SaveFile( '.\docusign.xml' )
!get form name
st2.SetValue( st.Between( '<DocumentPDF><Name>', '</Name>') )
FormName = st2.FileNameOnly( st2.GetValue(), 0 )
!get and save PDF
st2.SetValue( st.Between( '<PDFBytes>', '</PDFBytes>') )
st2.SaveFile( '.\'&Clip(FormName)&'.pdf' )
!get and save XFDF
st2.SetValue( st.Between( '<Data>', '</Data>') )
st2.SaveFile( '.\'&Clip(FormName)&'.xfdf' )
I currently save the incoming XML file to disk as well as the PDF and XFDF files I extract from the XML. In production, we could receive hundreds of XML files per day. I don't see the need to save the XML, PDF and XFDF to disk if all this is fast enough. The XFDF file will contain form field data that I will be sending to target TPS files. So, I worry about how fast things will be. I don't want subsequent XML file processing to interrupt any that may still be running. I suspect that each incoming XML file is on a separate thread and if so this should not be a concern. Can you verify that each will come in on it's own thread?