Sort of, but why? Bootstrap can do forms but compared with NT its very basic. It just does the layout and client side validation. So no ajax. NT is all about ajax, you get to write server side code in Clarion. If you want to do server side validation using "plain" Bootstrap you need to write client side javascript and then some server side endpoints to help out. Its a total pain (I know as I've had to do it).
If you like the Bootstrap visual layout, you can combine this (mostly) into NT, and frankly that is easier than bootstrap forms. They are ok where no (or very very little server side stuff is required), think of a contact form or similar.
If your motivation for bootstrap forms is visual (including responsive layout) and your forms are complicated (server side validation), i'd recommend NT with bootstrap CSS.
If your forms are simple, merge your server side data into Bootstrap HTML and have it post back to a NetTalk Page that knows how to process it (pretty easy).
But, I don't think you can get the best of both, without some pain.