Hello Heinz,
I think you're on the right track by looking at your CSS.
You can right click on your browse's cells and experiment with the CSS to determine what works for your particular situation. I like Firefox for insecting DOM elements but Chrome works great as well. Personally, I would avoid Internet Explorer like the plague. Haven't tried Edge.
Anyway, once you figure out your CSS, you have a lot of control over your CSS in NetTalk.
In the browse field's CSS tab, there's the option to set custom CSS. You have the ability to have the CSS apply to the whole cell, the cell contents, or both.
You may set a name and a value.
It would be entered in the template like:
Name: 'width'
Value: '5em'
NetTalk will add a style attribute to the cell like: style="width: 5em;"
Just remember an element's width is connected to its "display" property. So an element set as "display: flex;" may display its width differently than an element with "display: block;" Also, the downside to setting a style attribute is that the element is "locked in" to that setting until you recompile your app. Whereas, if you use a CSS class name, you can modify a "custom.css" file "on the fly" so to speak, refresh your page, and the new CSS is applied.
You could also play around with "max-width" and "min-width."
Also, another cool NT feature for "div" layout browses, is the "relative" with option. It is set to 1 by default. You can increase or decrease that number to increase that column's width relative to the other columns.
In summary, you really have a lot of options in NetTalk. Just experiment with the various template options until you get your browse to display as you want. There are many NetTalk user group webinars where Bruce demonstrates how to modify CSS.
Good luck!