Using PostgreSQL, when a record is deleted and an error occurs because of a FK constraint, the value of p_web.ErrorCode() is not correct. It seems as of the underlying Clarion values of ERRORCODE(), ERROR(), FILEERRORCODE() and FILEERROR() have been altered because other Clarion statements that have also been executed - and not directly after the DELETE statement.
I get the following back in the error description:
Error occured Deleting the record 30] Entry Not Found 0
which indicates error 30 that is "A GET to a QUEUE has failed" according to Clarion help. The actual error when running the delete against SQL is this:
The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_dbo.TripExpenses_dbo.Trips_trip_ID". The conflict occurred in database "Commalong", table "dbo.TripExpenses", column 'trip_ID'.
So the error in the response does not show the correct reason.