Hello all,
I have rented a tiny webserver, just the smallest offer. Ti's okay for me, as I can run and test my Nettalk Webserver.
However, there seems to sit a dirtbag somewhere at the other end of the world and tries to kick my server down by syn-flood attracks. Denial-of-service.
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SYN_floodRight now I sit at my desk at IP-range after IP-range to the Windows Firewall, but he seems to have access to quite some machine from all over the world. The attcks come from the Netherlands, France, HongKong, Germany. I gave up looking.
Because I do not do any business with the Netherlands, France, HongKong or inept german morons who are not able to keep their own network clean, I would really really like the ability to add block rules to the firewall.
Does anyone of you know any trick?
Is it possible with NETSH?
It's going to midnight and I would like to get some sleep.....