Hi Bruce,
>> c) You assume the browser will let you ignore the scary message and just proceed - whereas they may not be able to - Chrome on desktop for example is starting to not allow this, and we can expect to see this migrate to the phone as well.
Right, this is what I'm afraid of happening, it's probably still fine on a desktop where you can keep using the browser version that allows it but not on the mobile devices, which is the target of the application.
>> customer IT knows they have control over the information as opposed to a mere mention of internet access.
>>This would scare me. The fact that the IT staff don't understand the security implications of this would worry me a lot.
I understand, for this particular customer(it's not a bank) they were the ones asking for it, we only use whatever facility they provide. Btw, does the https security protocols already apply on the Socket level?
>>the self-signed certs have not changed from NT10 to NT11, so if you are having problems there you need to be more specific since it's not NT.
What I did was to follow the CIDC2017 day 2 security training on self-signed certificates in NT10 using the BasicMobile example of NT10, added the ServerSettings tab,generated self signed certificate and it worked fine. I can switch from insecure 88 to 443, had to ignore the scary message but it still allowed me to proceed with secure tag on the URL crossed out.
Then Upgraded to NT 11, Did the same thing using the BasicMobile example in NT11 this time, added the server settings, generated certificates (initially encountered cryptonite and FM3 error messages but were resolved by clearing the contents of the programdata/capesoft/nettalk/mBuild folder). It was fine in insecure port 88 but in port 443, the browser responded with ERR_REFUSED_CONNECTION and subsequently ERR_TIMED_OUT. I also noticed that after inputting port 443, within 5 secs, the log message read [insecure] listening to port 88 following [secure] listening to port 443 message.