NetTalk Webinar 20180426
Clicking a button on a NetWebForm or in Emded code after Saving a Form
calling a
What can and can you not do with NetWebSource
Can you just use it with some XMTML included and nothing else
What can and can you not do with NetWebForm (except for the normal being called from a browse to Insert/Edit)
Can you just use it with some XMTML included and nothing else
Would it be possible to have web pages created by NTWS to have "rotating" content, maybe not just graphics but text as well.
You know, selling adverting space, etc
With datefrom and dateto when it must be displayed?
What is the max number of characters per XHMLT routine/procedure inside NetWebForm or NetWebSource?
Is it beter to put HTML code in a NetWebForm or NetWebSource or HTML file?
When would one use routine or procedure for XHMLT?