Hi Osa,
The problem you're gonna have with @p pictures is that they contain "something". In other words all that formatting counts when it comes to deciding if a field is blank or not. I may need to add some support for that to detect blankness but only _after_ deformatting.
You can of course add your own code to the ValidateValue::fieldname routine to test for any validation you like, so this may be a good place to deformat the value and check for actual digits. (There's a stringTheory method you could use as well, ISALL )
>> I have a concern regarding this product, just see that bruce is the only one that supports
It's a bit harsh to say that in a thread from other people, but I think I understand what you mean.
The first counter-point to this I would suggest is that CapeSoft is far from being "just bruce" (although I like to think they would notice if I was not here.)
Secondly we deliberately release the product using as much source as possible, which allows the community to effectivly "get stuff done" without me. If I wasn't fixing bugs then someone else would probably take up the slack.
>> and have recently seen that many programmers have died with their products and that we were to start from scratch with another product.
That's a fair point. On the up side I'm younger than some, and I don't smoke
A counter point to this I guess is that if you think another product will allow you to achieve your goals, and you feel that they would better be able to provide continuity, then I guess that's something to consider. NetTalk offers you the ability to leverage a lot of your existing code, and existing skills - I guess you have a choice whether to learn something else now (100%) or accept that in the future you _may_ have to learn some other product (<100%).