Hi John,
>> 1. Is there some way I can call up the captcha source code with a click on the form image.
The capatcha is just an image. So the form needs to "request the image" - and presumably you would generate it at run time.
The Capatcha example sort of does this already - albeit in that example the image is not "hidden to begin with". But I guess un-hiding the field is the same as for any other field.
>> 2. Can I pass the xy cordinates across accurately
I'm not sure what this means. I think you mean you want to know where the user clicked on the image? You would need to write some JavaScript to do that - or possibly create an ImageMap from the image. Both would require a bit of work on your side.
>> 3 I can't get FreeImage to compile.
more information would be needed to comment. Do you have the FreeImage extension installed? Is the DLL in the app folder?
>> Can I use FreeImage in captcha as I would like to work with png files