Bruce, I had hoped that the ThreadPool problem I have been having would be fixed in 8.40, but it persists. Here's the issue: I have my ThreadHandlerPoolThread window and configuration setup just as in the Mixed SSL example file (Web8). I compile and run Web8 and it works fine.
I compile and run my app and it crashes at the beginning of the first thread call made to WebHandler, at the second line of code: p_web.ProcessRequest(p_ReqString). I use Clarion's debug to trace that call through to the NetWeb.cla procedure being called: NetWebServerWorker.PerfStartThread and find that the crash occurs on the last line of that code (NetWeb.cla - line #13437): return self.RequestData.Webserver.Performance.NumberOfThreads.
I've enclosed a screen shot showing the crash point and the Clarion exception. I don't know what else I can do to find the problem. If you ask me to make an example app, I don't see how that's possible as it would require my entire MSSQL database along the main app, dll's, web folder stuff, etc, etc, etc...
Can you offer any clue?
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