I am upgrading an app from C9 and NT7 to C91 and Nt8.34, I have updated everything to Current versions
I am getting errors on some code that is being generated for some of my NetBrowses relating to Export to Excel.
the error is "No Matching Protype available"
this snip-it of code is from a browse with two Fields (Strings) FrL:ShippingLineID , FrL:Line , and two buttons Delete and Update.
If DateColumn[ColumnNumber]
ExcelExport.SetCell(rowNumber,ColumnNumber,p_web.mformat(FrL:ShippingLineID,'@D010-B'),'d' & DateColumn[ColumnNumber],,'DateTime')
If 12 > ColumnWidth[ColumnNumber] then ColumnWidth[ColumnNumber] = 12.
ElsIf TimeColumn[ColumnNumber]
ExcelExport.SetCell(rowNumber,ColumnNumber,'1899-12-31T' & p_web.mformat(FrL:ShippingLineID,'@T04B'),'t' & TimeColumn[ColumnNumber],,'DateTime')
If 12 > ColumnWidth[ColumnNumber] then ColumnWidth[ColumnNumber] = 12.
If Len(Clip(FrL:ShippingLineID)) > ColumnWidth[ColumnNumber] then ColumnWidth[ColumnNumber] = Len(Clip(FrL:ShippingLineID)).
ColumnNumber += 1
this first bit makes sense, but the next block of code gets generated without the field FrL:Line (the value is missing from the mformat functions)
But I can see nothing in the templates that might be tripping it up, i have tried to change the equate and selecting a different field.
If DateColumn[ColumnNumber]
ExcelExport.SetCell(rowNumber,ColumnNumber,p_web.mformat( ,'@D010-B'),'d' & DateColumn[ColumnNumber],,'DateTime')
If 12 > ColumnWidth[ColumnNumber] then ColumnWidth[ColumnNumber] = 12.
ElsIf TimeColumn[ColumnNumber]
ExcelExport.SetCell(rowNumber,ColumnNumber,'1899-12-31T' & p_web.mformat( ,'@T04B'),'t' & TimeColumn[ColumnNumber],,'DateTime')
If 12 > ColumnWidth[ColumnNumber] then ColumnWidth[ColumnNumber] = 12.
ExcelExport.SetCell(rowNumber,ColumnNumber, )
If Len(Clip( )) > ColumnWidth[ColumnNumber] then ColumnWidth[ColumnNumber] = Len(Clip( )).
i keep looking for a tickbox in the template to simply suppress a column from the export (perhaps conditionally).
regardless I cannot see anything materially different between the two fields.
It appears i could delete the field and add it back in, but i have a number of browsers that exhibit this behavior and was hoping there is something less drastic to save me some time. Is there a known reason why, some fields will not generate correctly?