I have a static page with a link on it to call a Form without a browse. The background on this is people log in to the system, and a static page (a NetWebPage) with a lot of icon links are on it. When the click on a particular icon, a call is made to a NT procedure. That all works fine, but now, I need to add a call to a Form (without a browse) that displays the logged in person's info.
I am using the following code in the static call:
<a href="'MyChurchProfile?change+btn=change&_bidv_=' &p_web.AddBrowseValue('dmemain','Family',FAM:Key_SysID,60)">
MyChurchProfile is the NT Form procedure
I only allow a Change action
The calling static page (which is a NetPage procedure) is dmemain
Family is the table name that contains the logged in person's data
FAM:Key_SysID is the unique key
60 is the person's record key value
This call results in a page not found with the following displayed as the link:'MyChurchProfile?change+btn=change&_bidv_='&p_web.AddBrowseValue( 'dmemain','Family',FAM:Key_SysID,60)
I'm guessing the problem is that the instructions in the NetTalk book are not based on the URL being coded in a static link and the " and ' in the link may be a problem.
So, two questions:
1. Can I call the form directly from a static link, and if so, what changes do I need to make to the static link?
2. Regarding the specific record ID, in the example here I have "hard coded" the ID (60) for testing. In actual practice, I would have the ID in a session value. What should the static link change to for using the session value as the source of the record ID? Replace the example 60 value with p_web.GSV('LoggedInFamilyID')?
Thanks for your help on this.
Mike Springer