Hey all,
I have a simple order entry NT7 site. Got the usual Order Items browse with a button to 'Add' a new line which goes to an Item Add NetWebForm. On this form is the field for the Product Code (read only), with a Lookup button that calls a Product List NetWebBrowse so that the user can search/select an item.
Now, we've noticed that many users click on the lookup button to bring up the list, then they type in a search filter which returns NO results in the browse. Problem is - they tend to click the 'Select' button to close the window.
This tends to return garbage(?) data back to the product code field. It is usually 6 to 8 uppercase alphabetic characters. I am assuming it is some sort of hash being generated by NT in the background.
No problems if they [Esc] or click the 'x' to close the browse window. Only if they click 'Select'.
My question is - is it possible to disable the 'Select' button if a search filter returns no records? If not, is there a condition that I could apply in the browse properties to disable/hide that button when there are no records to choose?