Hi Bruce,
On every page, the last item that is created is a 'View Mobile Site' button in the bottom right hand corner of the page. This always seems to have focus. I've checked the html in Firebug and it seems that the focus is meant to be set on a specific field in a form that is loaded prior to the 'View Mobile' button form (the PER_GivenNames field) but the field doesn't seem to get the focus:
<div class="nt-center" id="setmobileon_div"><form onsubmit="osf(this);" target="_self" id="SetMobileOn_frm" name="SetMobileOn_frm" method="post" action="spsform">
<input type="hidden" value="GKNNUVEDPL" id="FormState" name="FormState">
<div class="klonline-tab-outer" id="tab_setmobileon_div"><div class="klonline-tab-inner" id="tab_setmobileon0_div"><table class="klonline-form-table">
<div class="nt-form-div nt-left" id="setmobileon_loc__setmobileon_value_div"><button onclick="location.href='WelcomePage?_mobile_=1'" class="SetMobileOnButton ui-button ui-widget ui-state-default ui-corner-all ui-button-text-only" value="View Mobile Site" id="Set_Mobile_Mode_OnFBYA" name="Set_Mobile_Mode_On" type="button" role="button" aria-disabled="false"><span class="ui-button-text">View Mobile Site</span></button>
<script defer="defer">
jQuery(function() {jQuery("#Set_Mobile_Mode_OnFBYA").button();});
<td><div class="nt-form-div nt-comment nt-formcell" id="setmobileon_loc__setmobileon_comment_div"></div>
<div class="" id="SetMobileOn_saveset"></div>
<script defer="defer">
jQuery(function() {jQuery("#SetMobileOn_frm").ntform({procedure: "setmobileon",tabType:6, action: "spsform",actionCancel: "spsform",actionCancelTarget: "",actionTarget: "_self",popup:0});});
<script defer="defer">
jQuery(document).ready( function(){jQuery('#PRO__GivenNames').focus();});
The field 'PRO_GivenNames' may be hidden depending on a variable for the record.
Second question: Is there a way to do a 'ScrollTo' instead of a 'Focus', or turn 'Focus' off and just have 'ScrollTo', as I would like every page to start at the top of the page, not at the top of a form or browse. Loading to the top of a form or browse means the user always has to scroll up to see the Header and Menu.
I'm using Nettalk v6.52.