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Author Topic: contract menu  (Read 2334 times)


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contract menu
« on: May 21, 2013, 03:46:57 AM »
I am playing around with the forum software and have quite a menu/submenu list and using taskpanel. I would like the page to open with the menu tree fully contracted but cant see how to make this happen .

Also when the browses are called they are appearing below the menu list rather than beside it. Also the welcome html is below.
Any suggestions please


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Re: contract menu
« Reply #1 on: May 21, 2013, 09:54:56 PM »
Hi John,

>> I would like the page to open with the menu tree fully contracted but cant see how to make this happen .

go into the generated source for the PageHeaderTag procedure, and look for a line of embed code;

If not p_web.IfExistsSessionValue('open_PageHeaderTag_f'&loc:menunumber) then p_web.SSV('open_PageHeaderTag_f'&loc:menunumber,'0').

change the 0 at the end to false;

If not p_web.IfExistsSessionValue('open_PageHeaderTag_f'&loc:menunumber) then p_web.SSV('open_PageHeaderTag_f'&loc:menunumber,'false').

That takes care of all the "dynamic" menus. The fixed menus have a template checkbox "Menu starts Open".

>> Also when the browses are called they are appearing below the menu list rather than beside it. Also the welcome html is below.

this happens if your screen is "narrow". CSS allows the content to flow (ie based on the css rules that are there.) You can adjust the rules (use Firebug to experiment) to find the optimal settings for your screen resolution. (I think by default it's optimized for wider screens.)



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Re: contract menu
« Reply #2 on: May 22, 2013, 04:17:54 AM »
Thanks Bruce that did the trick