I'm using a caluculated field inside a tab (wizard control) that sums up different fields on screen when I move a field..
works fine..
even when I press next or previous, in the different tabs..
however when I save the report I have a certain total and verfication and if one of the tabs does not sum up then I message an error and send them back to the the previous wizard screen
loc:alert = 'you need ten points and you only have: ' & inv:p2_1 + inv:p2_2 + inv:p2_3 + inv:p2_4 + inv:p2_5 + inv:p2_6 + inv:p2_7 + inv:p2_8
loc:InvalidTab = 2
loc:invalid = 'inv:p2_1'
but I notice that my sumup total field does not show, it goes back to zero..
if I move any of my fields or put next and previous then then sum works fine...
is there anyway to refresh my variables while getting back to the tab like in this case?
by the way.. the sum up variable is just a local variable