I also sent this to ClickATell
"I have been a programmer (I use Clarion
www.softvelocity.com) since 1979.
I'm writing a webbased app that could be used by many people all over the world.
I use one of Clarion 3rd Party tools published by CapeSoft called NetTalk (
http://www.capesoft.com/accessories/netsp.htm) to send emails:
If I type :
into a field MyText as above and then send the email it works 100%. But then I must show my api_id, password and user in the email itself for all to see.
As this app will be used by any number of people I do not want that info to be seen by them.
So if I put my message into a local variable called loc:message and then execute this code:
MyText = 'user:'&clip(loc:catuser)&' '&'password:'&clip(loc:catpassword)&' '&'api_id:'&clip(loc:catapi_id)&' '&'text:'&clip(loc:message)&' '&'to:'&clip(loc:catmobileno)&' '&'reply:johan@jvz.co.za'
then it does not work.
It creates underlined fields - maybe that is probably why it then does not send the emails. Will that cause the problems?
And can I type the statement all in one line anyway?