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Author Topic: How to open a Form as a Pop Up from a link in a Browse row?  (Read 2488 times)


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How to open a Form as a Pop Up from a link in a Browse row?
« on: February 02, 2013, 09:42:10 AM »

I have a browse that represents the summary amounts of transactions by account number like this:

AcctNo Budget Actuals Commitments
2500     $5000   $2000  $1000
2510     $3500   $1200  $1100

I want to make the Actuals and Commitment amounts in each row a link and when the user clicks on any of those links open the appropriate WebForm in pop-up mode that has a browse on it that shows the details that make up those totals, either actuals or commitments (diffferent WebForm for each), filtered by the specific account number.

I can make the amounts a link and I can build the WebForms I need but I cannot figure out how to make it a popup.

Appreciate your help in getting the final popup piece to work.




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Re: How to open a Form as a Pop Up from a link in a Browse row?
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2013, 04:34:57 PM »
OK, the solution that I think will work is to include an 'other' button next to each of the amount columns I want to drill down on, that allows me to open the selected procedure as a pop-up.

Point if interest, when setting this up I never think to provide a value for the "Desktop Text" field as it is just a button, but leaving it blank produces an error in the generated code. I just put a set of single quotes in the field to get passed that.

Bruce, is there a particular reason why when making the amount value a click-able link as in my first approach, that you don't allow to "Open as Popup" like you do on the button approach?

Just curious.




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Re: How to open a Form as a Pop Up from a link in a Browse row?
« Reply #2 on: February 04, 2013, 06:39:00 AM »
I've tweaked this a bit for the 7.05 build as it happens Parker. (Rob asked for it a ways back.) So when that's up you can grab that and play around a bit there.



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Re: How to open a Form as a Pop Up from a link in a Browse row?
« Reply #3 on: February 04, 2013, 07:57:38 AM »
Thanks Bruce, when 7.05 becomes available I'll experiment.

In the meantime the other button approach should work fine and may even be more intutitve to the users in this specific case, but being able to do it directly from the URL link will be nice to have.

