Rob, what I do is control the port by using a simple INI file that the user can change to whatever port they want to run on. In my case, I have as many as 20 servers running at any time for prototypes, so I have a similar problem.
So in the Init Procedure of the main window, I restore the INI file:
L:Port = GETINI('comm','port',80,'.\settings\hrsnap.ini')
L:StartPageName = GETINI('start','page','loginpage','.\settings\hrsnap.ini')
L:LocalDirectory = PATH()
After the Open Window section, I store my info in a local tool tip:
L:Tip = 'HRSnap RM, Port: ' & CLIP(L:Port)
This could also store a client name or client directory.
Then I use an ABCFree template to reduce the program to an icon in the system tray, and use the description of L:Tip when the mouse hovers over it. You can also use Capesoft's WinEvent to do this I think.
I also have an auto-launch program I wrote to manage my exes and I put it in the startup of windows so if the server should reboot, it auto-starts the programs. I got tired of having to start all those programs up every time by hand, and didn't want to manage them with shortcuts in the windows startup folder. If you would find my program useful, I'd be glad to upload it.
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