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Author Topic: NetWebBrowse Edit In Place text areas are stripping all line breaks from text.  (Read 1976 times)

Rob Kolanko

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Attached is a modified Web50 example with an EIP text area on the second row of the NetWebBrowse table. Although you can type individual text lines into the text area, the CR LF characters are removed as soon as it the field is saved to the file. You can type individual lines of Text into the same text field in the NetWebForm form and the line breaks are retained. The example has a PRODUCTS.TPS file for testing. Just enter any characters in the “AnyFont” product description and press the edit button and all the line breaks that were in the description are removed. You can add them back in the product description field on the NetWebForm.  Help, EIP text area on a browse are very important to me.
Rob Kolanko.

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thanks for the example Rob - fixed for the next build.
