Thanks Bruce,
Win-cgi - The url might look like:
The 'win-cgi' in the url tells the server that it is a win-cgi pgm in addition to the path of the program.
When the server runs the cgi pgm, it passes the name of an ini file that it built to the cgi pgm on the command line. Ini file has, among other things, the name of the file for the cgi pgm to write its output, then name of an 'input' file containing any 'post'ed data, etc. The cgi pgm does its thing, writes its output to the file and ends. The server recognizes the cgi pgm ended and sends the contents of the output file, then deletes the ini, input, and output files. The file names are generated by the server (, 1646.out, 1646.ini).
Std-cgi - Pretty much the same except the url will specify std-cgi instead of win-cgi. Server puts all of the same parameters in environment variables and runs the cgi pgm. The cgi pgm gets the environment variables, and if there is posted data, reads stdin. The cgi pgm then writes output to stdout and ends.
In the next week or so, I will do a word doc that 'splains it better and also some simple test win-cgi and std-cg programs (that I will need anyway)
A sample win-cgi ini file, created by the server...
Request Protocol=HTTP/1.0
Request Method=POST
Request Keep-Alive=No
Executable Path=/cgi-win/i2swta.exe
Logical Path=/Form
Physical Path=C:\WebSite\htdocs\Form
Query String=R=CBR2_ICO*3250----0104______swilliams____________NNENN4.6c2835068N
Server Software=WebSite/1.1
Server Name=local server
Server Port=80
CGI Version=CGI/1.3 (Win)
Remote Address=
User Agent=WTA2K (4.6c)
Content Type=
Content Length=27
GMT Offset=-18000
Debug Mode=Yes
Output File=C:\WebSite\cgi-temp\aabws.out
Content File=C:\WebSite\cgi-temp\aabws.inp
[Extra Headers]