One way we have worked around this is to use symbolic links to enable files in other paths to be accessed via the web browser. No duplication, mirroring etc. required, and the deletion issue is, well, a non issue. Symbolic links are supported in Vista, Win7, Server 2003, 2008, 2010 etc.
Essentially, if you have a folder full of goodies at
D:\Data\Pictures\Public and you want the pictures in the '
public' folder to be made available in your NT web server that is running on
C:\Apps\MyWebServer, (given that your 'web' folder will then be
C:\Apps\MyWebServer\web) then you can run the following command at the DOS prompt:
mklink /d D:\Data\Pictures\Public C:\Apps\MyWebServer\web\picturesand immediately, you will have a folder called /pictures in your web browser that is available to your users. (e.g. This is just a symbolic link, and I believe in most flavours of windows this link is perpetual, even after rebooting, until you manually delete it.
Hope this helps.