Here is what I want to do:
I build a webserver. Let's say the address is
I already know that I can select mobile with this parameter:
http://800.800.800.1:88/?_mobile_=1 But can I send another information as parameter to use in the program, like this:
http://800.800.800.1:88/?_mobile_=1/?_name_=Viggo (and how do I detect this in my program)
Let's say this is possible, then I want to put this line
http://800.800.800.1:88/?_mobile_=1/?_name_=Viggo into a QR code, take a fresh smartphone, scan this QR code and see my program running.
I have a link to a homepage where I can generate QR codes with text, but will a smartphone automatically go to the webpage in the QR code without having to install anything first ?
I'm going to buy my first smartphone. What a nightmare, too many to select from. I guess I will go for an Android thing. Does this sound as a good idea together with a Nettalk server ?
Best regards
Viggo Poulsen