I have a browse in a memory form that has a radio buttons to set a filter.
This browse is also used elsewhere without the form and works.
My question is about the filter I'm using. The ord:status field is a long. It holds the status of the order.
The browse uses this filter
- 'inlist(ord:status,'&p_web.gsv('ReqStatus')&')'
, where ReqStatus is the requested status or a list of related statuses. So it could be '7' or it could be '7,9,24'
Outside of the form this works fine.
Inside the form it only works if the filter is 'ord:status='&p_web.gsv('ReqStatus')
The Form Radio field is called ReqStatus string(10) to allow for multiple statuses if needed.
ord:status is in the hotfields.
I have the "Child of" filter first in the list of conditional filters.
In debugview I can see the view filter property being set
[8188] [netTrace][thread=3] (1216491978:3)_Filter: inlist(ord:status,7) - In the form doesn't work.
[8188] [netTrace][thread=3] (1216491978:3)_Filter: inlist(Ord:Status,8,7,9,24) - Outside the form does work.
[8392] [netTrace][thread=3] (179983165:3)_Filter: ord:status=7 - Inside the form, does work.
Any suggestion as to why this might be happening or what I could try next?
Thanks much,
chris C