>> I do not want to employ database level locking. I was thinking of using Nettalk to keep a list of "in-use" records, probably on an app running on the server. If a client exits/disconnects for whatever reason, it could be detected and the "in-use" flag cleared
This is certainly do-able, but your disconnection detection would be your biggest challenge. Obviously you can tell if a connection drops, but you don't know _why_. So you won't know if the user's machine died, or if they are still on the form. whatever mechanism you go with here, be sure to include a "manual unlock" ability.
>> Along the same lines, I would like to keep a list of active users on a LAN who are running my app and see what window/proc they have open. Is this something feasible with Nettalk or perhaps there is a template/example somewhere that shows how to do this?
I don't think there's an example of this, but what I'd probably do is hook into the ErrorClass, into SetProcedureName method. but the whole mechanism will need to be clearly thought out - there is certainly room for things to get very tricky here as well.