BTW Bruce - just for the record really, is there a way for him to have a log file saved on his machine in anyway? Is there a way to get a log file saved by the app on the server. I am sure there is.
What I am getting at is it would be nice if I could somehow get the statistics of when he pressed a button, when the server received that and sent it back and ultimately when his screen refreshed.
Being as the server and machine are 2 different things that makes it impossible to compare but if I had 2 logs to work with I might at least be able to PROVE it's his machine.
I think in this particular case it is a matter of proving to him it is down to him or I will lose the sale. He prefers my application but the response times are so slow to make it useless.
BTW I have asked him to call a friend and have them log in on a PC perhaps. Alternatiebly I might ask him if he can give you permission to log in quickly and test your end to see the response times.