>> Please find attached a test app.
I see I have trained you well!
You are rewarded with speedy responses...
Perhaps others will learn.
>> So add 4 untique items. Now go to Contact and try each lookup in turn.
>> Lookup 1 works but lookups 2,3, and 4 do not.
Let's use Lookup 2 as the example of what is wrong.
a) the lookup procedure is set as BrowseItem. this browse uses the Item table.
b) your Value and Description fields are using a completely different table (Item1).
aside: An alias is just another table declaration. As far as the program is concerned it's a different table.
>> BTW I am assuming you can
well, yes, you _can_, but then you'd need 4 browses - one on each of the tables. Sounds like too much work if you ask me...(well, to be fair, you _did_ ask...)
>> and should use aliases in this situation?
nope. No need to use Aliases. You can have as many lookups on the same table, with the same value and description fields as you like. I just change lookup 2, 3 and 4 to be the same as lookup 1 and it works fine.