Hi Koen,
>> In a desktop application it is common when a browse is resized the number of records visible also changes. Obviously this doesn’t work the same in a web application. However I want to make the number of records displayed depending on the users preferences.
>> I found there variable loc:pagerows in the GenerateBrowse routine. I guess if initialize this variable with a SessionValue on the Options tab of the NetWebBrowse template that will do.
>> But I also found there is resize option on the Options tab also. So far I didn’t get that working. I only could change the width of the browse not the height. Is this going to work if I put the browse in a page or use the frame extension?
Ideally you shouldn't be embedding Browses on Static pages - yes you can, yes it works, but there are some limitations. Ideally you want to see it the other way around - start with a NetWebPage, or NetWebForm, and embed the static stuff onto that. Either way it _should_ work, but I make no 100% promises. However this just resizes the "viewport" to the browse. It doesn't affect the number of rows in each page of the browse.
Frame extension doesn't matter either way.