Probably the best way to do this (if you are using Win Vista/Win 7/Win 2003/Win 2008 as the NetTalk server) is to use symbolic links.
We use it on one of our NetTalk projects to link to mass storage on another drive and it work very well.
Basically, if your NetTalk app is in C:\Apps\MyApp and your photos are stored on G:\Data\Photos\WebPhotos and you want the web user to be able to view these photos under the /photos folder on the web server, then you can run the following command:
mklink /d C:\Apps\MyApp\web\photos G:\Data\Photos\WebPhotos
You can still create/delete files and folder in G:\Data\Photos\WebPhotos and any changes will be reflected in C:\Apps\MyApp\web\photos - after all, it is just a virtual link to the other folder.
Hope this helps,