Hi Folks,
I need to upload documents atttached with any given order. When I just use the upload dialogue the documents get placed in my web\uploads folders just fine and the data base field is updated.
When I go through the Rename embed and use the RenameFile procedure, the uploaed document is
placed where I want it. (note under the web). I needed to use he customer number to make a path and the order number with the document extension added to make a file name. Again, it is where I need it to be placed.
However, the field in my data base is only updated for the last 5 characters.
Example s:\uploads\964\39482.jpg is only be recorded in the data base field as 82.jpg
A message for both the filename and the path are fine. In the form field I have p_name = 'vti:documentpath'
which is also the field on the form with the lookup.
I have to be mssing somehting.