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Author Topic: error in site javascript C8 NT5.29  (Read 3400 times)


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error in site javascript C8 NT5.29
« on: July 13, 2011, 02:59:48 PM »
Hi Folks,

The above error came, went and seems to have returned permanently. I have checked other posts, however, the "this is a header" solution does not apply.

When converting from Cv7.3 to Cv8, I imported the procedures and noted that all <39> in filters were changed to " ' ", but I have changed those and now the compile is clean.

Any ideas?



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Re: error in site javascript C8 NT5.29
« Reply #1 on: July 13, 2011, 09:01:50 PM »
Hi Hilton,

"Error in site JavaScript" is usually caused by you nut updating your web folder.
If you have updated your web folder then press F5 on the address bar in your browser.
If that doesn't help then;

open the site in FireFox with Firebug ( open.
go to the console tab (in firebug) and then open the site as you normally do.
Post a screen-shot of the console tab here.



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Re: error in site javascript C8 NT5.29
« Reply #2 on: July 14, 2011, 09:02:22 PM »
Hi Bruce,

Firebug screen shot as requested.


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Re: error in site javascript C8 NT5.29
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2011, 10:43:43 PM »

could be one of a few things, so here are some suggestions (with questions).

Have you copied the NetTalk "web" folder into your application directory? If not you need to do so.

Have you updated this folder since last updating NetTalk - if not you need to do so.

Are you using a custom GzipAll.bat file? (You'll know what I mean if you are). If so make sure that all the entries in it are up to date with regard to the Jquery and Jquery UI version numbers. You can use my one (\clarion6\libsrc\netweb) as an example.



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Re: error in site javascript C8 NT5.29
« Reply #4 on: July 15, 2011, 08:56:21 PM »
Hi Bruce,

I must apologize for wasting your time!!!  I copied the 5.29 web directory to the wrong place.  When I created the app I ended up with \htgweb\htgweb - I was going to change it but never did and so inadvertantly copied incorrectly.

Your time is valuable and I try not to waste it, sorry I stuffed up this time.

Thank you,


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Re: error in site javascript C8 NT5.29
« Reply #5 on: July 15, 2011, 09:15:22 PM »
no worries mate...