I think you may be doing something wrong. The filters do actually work if you code them as a string like this -
'FIL:SomeDataField='''&p_web.gsv('SomeLImitingCrieria')&' AND FIL:SomeotherField <> 0'
The advantage is being able to use your Clarion defined variable names in the filter string.
With Prop:filter you get to do that too, but with Prop:SQL and (I believe) prop:sqlfilter, you need to use the external names of things.
That being said, I use prop:sql all the time too because it gives much better control over the select statement being passed to the backend. (No forced Order By clause)
I created a simple template to make a GetExternal function so I can code the sql like 'where '&getext('FIL:SomeField')& '= '''&p_web.gsv('SomeLimiter')
Chris c