Hi Peter,
Basically the roadmap goes something like;
NT5 : Complete the Planner, and add a couple other calendars. Endless minor tweaks and fixes.
Possibly one more "nice" feature (more on that some other time.)
NT6: IPv6, jQuery Mobile, more jQuery widgets and so on - aiming to get the first release of this out towards the middle of the year.
Actually a lot of the recent work, like the calendars for example, has taken the "mobile" design issues very much into account. It's one of the reasons I haven't implemented a right-click menu in NetTalk at all (since touch devices don't have a right-click).
Of course I'd love the mobile stuff to be integrated already, I have an immediate need for it myself, but it's a fairly big job, and has to be done fairly carefully. If I'm lucky though, and the planets line up right, then you'll simply take your current apps, and spit out a "mobile version" of it, with very little, or no, work.