I started using the iframes out of ignorance and, at the time, perceived or actual limited browse functionality. You can see the current NT4 functionality at .
I obtain an address from the user that is then geocoded and displayed using the google mapping api prior to calling the display function. The list sorted on a field that is calculated as a distance from the entered address. I suppose it would be trivial to put the returned data into an IMDD table and browse list, I will have to play with that.
Since the data is sorted by a calculated field, it is not something that I want to update dynamically - with 38,000 records to review it would take entirely too long to do asynchronously. So, I renamed the "save" button to "search" and call the display when the form is submitted. Under NT4 it worked every time the "search" button was pressed - in NT5 it does not.
While my methodology for deriving the results could certainly be improved, what can I do to live with my less-than-optimal code using the process that previously worked flawlessly in NT4 until I can rework it?