Setting the URL for a browse is pretty trivial. Simply specify the name of the browse function, or the Page Name of the browse function.
By default the browse starts with the sort order you specified (Default Sort Order button) and it starts at the "top" of the table.
However you'll also notice that if you change the sort order, maybe page down a couple times, that it "remembers". For example if you then go off and do somethign else, returning to this browse a little later on, it'll be in the same sort order (and same position) that you left it.
This is all well and good, but what if you want to open a browse, using a specific sort order, and jump to a specific position, using just the URL. Well, you can.
The browse pays attention to the following parameters (amongst some others):
So using these 3 together, let's say our browse is called BrowseCustomers, the field we want to sort on is CUS:Name and we want to start with the customer starting with "Time".
The the URL becomes (in 2 steps)