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Author Topic: How to change name of output PDF report?  (Read 126 times)


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How to change name of output PDF report?
« on: October 18, 2024, 03:51:06 PM »
Hello all,

     I have setup a simple Clarion report to output as a PDF using the Clarion Report to PDF template.  I do get the report generated in a new browser tab but when I try to save it to the local drive, it defaults to the name of the report procedure.  I have tried the following code in numerous report procedure embeds without success:

          loc:PDFName = '.\PREDICT2 Study ID Assignment_'&p_web.GSV('Enr:Study_ID')&'.pdf'

     Some of the embeds I have tried:

          PDF (PDFReportGenerator), Setup, after parent call
          Previewer (PrintPreviewClass), OnSaveAs
          Prime Report Options when run in web mode

Can anyone tell me how this should be done?


Jeff King


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Re: How to change name of output PDF report?
« Reply #1 on: October 19, 2024, 07:52:04 AM »
Hello everyone,

     I think I found a solution, after looking at more posts here.  In the PDF (PDFReportGenerator) Setup embed, I have the following:

          p_web.HeaderDetails.ContentDisposition = 'filename="PREDICT2 Study ID Assignment_'&p_web.GSV('Enr:Study_ID')&'.pdf"'

The generated PDF displays in a new browser tab (have report set to use '_blank') and when I click to download the PDF, it now has a unique filename filled in for me.  The filename no longer defaults to the procedure name.  Next I'll test how this does with a few other browsers.




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Re: How to change name of output PDF report?
« Reply #2 on: October 20, 2024, 06:43:33 AM »
Hi Jeff,
I use an Embed "RenameFile PROCEDURE in the Web Handler - after Parent call:  ( this renames a file and sets the correct path for the chosen data set)
 !MESSAGE('pname ' & p_name)
 if p_name = 'upfilename'  ! uploading schedule file
     locpath = p_web.GSV('tProvRptDir')  ! this is the provider file
 !   message('report dir ' & locpath)
     locpath = clip(locpath) & '\INFILE\'  ! this adds the Infile path
  !  message('upload path: ' & locpath)
    RETURNVALUE = Parent.RenameFile(p_name,p_filename,locpath)

Second:  This sends a file which is stored in a BLOB - get the blob, check it to see if it holds a file, if it does then extract it and send it

WebHandler  - -SendFile PROCEDURE
Data section: 
  blobname StringTheory
  sendstring StringTheory

CODE - Before Parent Call

!! working on generic code in the class to do this.  This is for making a file from BLOB to send

 blobname.SetValue(sub(p_FileName,len(clip( + 2,255))
 if blobname.sub(1,1) = '/' then blobname.setvalue(blobname.sub(2,255)).
 BF:FileName = blobname.GetValue()
 If Access:Blobfile.Fetch(BF:NameKey) = 0

  ! allows the browser to cache this file.
 !    self.ForceNoCache = false
     self.HeaderDetails.CacheControl = ''
     self.FileDate = today() - 200
     self.FileTime = 6000 !clock()
   ! or tell browser not to cache file
    self.ForceNoCache = true
  ! end of cache settings     
  loc:done = true
 If loc:done then return.

Hopefully these two code snippets will help you get done what you need to get done.