Hi Bruce and Ron,
Here is what I'm doing now, after looking at the flow in the generated source:
1. The InsertRecord:PatientEnrollment routine has the following code at the beginning:
! Start of "Start of InsertRecord: Routine"
! [Priority 5000]
! End of "Start of InsertRecord: Routine"
do QueueToFile:PatientEnrollment
TableAction = 'insert'
do PrimeFields:PatientEnrollment
Do ValidateRecord:PatientEnrollment
If err = 0
Get(PatientEnrollment,0) ! Prime duplicate checking for Insert
errString = p_web.CheckForDuplicates(PatientEnrollment)
if ErrString
! Start of "InsertRecord Duplicate Detected"
! [Priority 5000]
! End of "InsertRecord Duplicate Detected"
Err = DupKeyErr
p_web.AddServiceError(DupKeyErr,'EDC_Enrollment', p_web.RecordIdentifier(PatientEnrollment), clip(ErrString),'')
p_web.trace('EDC_Enrollment -- InsertRecord:PatientEnrollment -- Error Inserting: ' & ErrString)
! Start of "InsertRecord Before Add"
! [Priority 4000]
The "If err = 0", is where I think I can cause the InsertRecord routine to run conditionally. The ValidateRecord routine is run just before this. So, in the End of ValidateRecord embed I placed the following:
Ins:Institution_ID = Enr:Institution_ID
If Access:Institution.Fetch(Ins:InstID_key) <> Level:Benign
err = 1
p_web.AddServiceError(999, '', 'Inst ID Not found:', '', 'Check Institution ID')
This allows me to check the incoming Institution_ID and if not valid, I set err = 1. This causes most of the "Insert" code in the InsertRecord routine to be skipped, and an error message is sent back to the client, 'Inst ID Not found:'.
Finally, in the InsertRecord Before Add embed, I have the following code:
Ins:Institution_ID = Enr:Institution_ID
If Access:Institution.Fetch(Ins:InstID_key) = Level:Benign
Enr:Study_ID = 'Z'&Format(Enr:Institution_ID, '@N02')&'-'&Format(Enr:Patient_ID, '@N04')
This primes the auto-numbered field Patient_ID properly and the Study_ID is constructed and passed back to the client. Let me know if you have any thoughts or comments on ways I might do this better.