[NT 14 Webservice] I'm trying to create a Cognito Reports CallBack Server that receives a json string. It has no parameter tag so I can't use the template variable, I use p_web.wholeurl to grab the passed json and I store it in a StringTheory object. So far so good.
Here is my problem... there is a '#' in all of the link data strings. If they are in the string the incoming parameter string truncates at its location. I can't remove it prior to it being sent by the other vendor. Those links are needed to get access to the report.
[example of a link with a '#' in it]
<lots of json in front>,"EditLink":"
https://www.cognitoforms.com/SamplePayrollInc/AuxiliaryProductsRequest#RsoPs0JdqAxUKC3gCS_JD_l5zxTsRtOP8Zo7mA78yz64$*", <more json links>
so the incoming json string that makes it to my proc looks like
<lots of json in front>,"EditLink":"
https://www.cognitoforms.com/SamplePayrollInc/AuxiliaryProductsRequest The second half of the link as well as all the rest of the json structure that follows is gone.
I have 8 document "link" string structures and they all have a '#' in them.
How do I get the '#' to be ignored and stop truncating the incoming string? I'm not seeing anything in the docs that relates to this issue. It has been many years since I fiddled with NT server side. So I don't really know where to hit it with a hammer.