Hi, Bruce.
In a browse, for a string field there's an option on the Column tab called "Abbreviate Length".
It adds "more" as a hyperlink. In the template-generated code, what's generated when I specify a picture of @s70 and an "abbreviate length" of 50 is:
packet.append( p_web.CreateHyperLink(p_web._jsok(Left(p_web.FormatValue(aud:notes,'@s70')),(Net:HtmlOk*0)+(Net:UnsafeHtmlOk*0)),,,,loc:javascript,,,(Net:HtmlOk*0)+(Net:UnsafeHtmlOk*0),,,'editAuditDatesBrowse',loc:abbreviate,'more'))
where editAuditDatesBrowse is the name of the browse procedure.
I haven't managed to find anything in the docs. There is a mention in the May 3, 2018 user group webinar. But when you ran an example for Don it didn't seem to work.
Does this actually work? What is it supposed to do when one clicks the link? If I'm reading netweb.clw correctly, it looks as if the second parameter should be the URL??