I have a Visit record that contains the following fields:
The first two fields are read-only. I want patient_name to be the first_name followed by a space and then the last_name. I want the sortkey to be the first 3 letters of the last_name in upper case, followed by the first 3 letters of the first_name, in lower case.
I want these first two fields to be updated as soon as the user changes first_name or last_name.
I wrote a JavaScript function that calculates the field values, and I used the addEventListener() method to set up an onchange event to call my function on first_name and last_name. It works correctly on a simple HTML page, but not on my NetTalk 12 Updatevisit NetWeb form wen it is running.
<!-- Script to update Sortkey and Patient name -->
// Add onclick event to vis__sortkey and vis__patient_name
document.getElementById("vis__sortkey").addEventListener("click", fnOnChange);
document.getElementById("vis__patient_name").addEventListener("click", fnOnChange);
// Get the first 3 characters of First name and first 3 character of last name for the sort key
// Written by Donn Edwards (c) 2021 Black and White Inc
function fnOnChange() {
var strFirst = document.getElementById("vis__first_name").getAttribute("Value");
strFirst = strFirst.trim();
var strLast = document.getElementById("vis__last_name").getAttribute("Value");
strLast = strLast.trim();
var strSort = strLast.toUpperCase() // Start the sort key with 3 upper case letters from Last Name
strSort = strSort.substr(0, 3);
var strName = strFirst // Name consists of First Name and last Name
strFirst = strFirst.substr(0, 3);
strSort += strFirst.toLowerCase() // Append 3 lower case letters from the First Name
strName += ' '
strName += strLast
strName = strName.trim();
document.getElementById("vis__patient_name").setAttribute("Value", strName); // Set the new patient name
document.getElementById("vis__sortkey").setAttribute("Value", strSort); // Set the new sort key
My problem is that only the onclick event on the read-only fields will fire off the function.
Is there another way to do this, with or without JavaScript? I don't want to wait until the user clicks the "Save" button before calculating these values.
Update: I finally noticed the "Client Side" tab of the field properties in the form. I have specified 'fnOnChange' for both the 'onFocus' and 'onChange' values, but neither seem to have any effect, either as 'fnOnChange()' or 'fnOnChange'. Only the onclick works.
I'm using NT 12.17
Any help will be appreciated.