hi Bill,
thanks for the example. I was able to compile it, and I set it to listen on port 88, plain HTTP.
I then imported the postman collection into postman, and changed the URL for Mandril Hook 1 and 2 to clicked on Send for both hooks, and it seemed to work fine.
the first hook comes through as URL-Encoded data; about 1.2 megs in size.
content-length: 1269145
Connection: keep-alive
mandrill_events=%5B%7B%22event%22%3A%22open%22%2C%22ts%22%3A1592530510%2C%22user_agent%22%3A%22Micr ....
the second comes through as Json data, and is a bit smaller (840K ish)
content-length: 842397
Connection: keep-alive
I set the NetShowSend=>1 so I can see the reply in debugview, and in both cases I'm seeing
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
So that's all good and at least indicated there's nothing fundamentally wrong here.
I notice though that these might fall into the "small" category as being < 1 meg JSON data?
I'm assuming on your side though they are proving big enough to cause a problem.
the one thing you don't mention is which version of StringTheory you are using?
but that said, I'm not sure it matters. It would do more work (URL decoding) for the one that works for you, and no work for the one that does not. That said, worth checking I guess. I'm not sure if it does a JSONDecode on the incoming JSON, but there was a change in that method not so long ago.
On the up side it is at least working here, so we should be able to track down the difference. If you don't have any joy let me know and I can TeamViewer in and have a look on your machine.