I'm still not having much success with my PWA app in its current state. So, I decided to try something new and set it up in the Multi-Site Host. At least this way I have it running securely and can actually see it on my iPhone. Up to this point I have only run and tested locally, that is I run the PWA server app on my dev machine, and use the browser on my dev machine to connect via I call this "local mode". With my PWA app compiled as a dll and set up in the Multi-Site Host, on my Server 2012 R2 machine, I call this "server mode".
In this "local mode" my browse filter works. In the "server mode", my browse filter does not work. You mentioned in an email to me a few days ago, that the recent changes you sent to me might cause the filter to not work. Can you explain this reasoning? Is it possible the filter will work in "local mode" but not in "sever mode"? Can the difference be due to it running securely now (https)? By the way, I have also tried this with the PWA server app being a standalone exe. I get the same results.
I also find that if I start with a blank CoinCollector.tps file on the server, and the local store/cache cleared, then open my PWA app on a desktop browser, I cannot do any Inserts. If I manually enter a record or two into the tps file on the server, these records do get synced to the desktop browser store and iPhone browser store.
This brings me to another question. In my current scenario, I have three data stores: the tps file on the server, the local store on the desktop browser and the local store on the iPhone browser. How do these differ...that is how are they synced? If there is something new in the tps file, will this get sent to both local browser stores? Or, if there is something new in either/both of the local browser stores, will this new data get sent to the tps file on the server? It seems to me it should be bi-directional.
In addition, now that I have something running on an iPhone, I was waiting for the system to ask me to install this app on my iPhone home screen, based on the manifest.json file. For the Multi-site Host version of my PWA app, I have the host.exe app in a Host3 folder, and the CoinCollector app in a separate CoinCollector3 folder. The manifest.json file is in the CoinCollecter3\web folder. When I go to dev mode in Chrome, it shows no manifest file present. If I copy the manifest.json file to the Host3\web folder, then dev mode does see it. Still, I get no message about installing this PWA on my home screen.
These are my thoughts/comments from my work today. Should anyone wish to see the app on their device, feel free to try it at I have also attached a zip with the app, dct, sample coin images and js/css files for the very latest version.