I have created a select droplist per browse row.
When a value is selected, I want the server to do a location.href, depending on the value selected in the droplist.
It seems however that my onchange is "outsmarted" by the rowclicked event.
The select is written as:
<select id="1" name="?h=DXG0E0I8b5pfebx1MTxPuROi1W6mFLfa&m=Q&s=@J9DCSONCD" class="nt-browse-entry" style="width:" onchange="location_href(this)">
<option value="" selected="selected" class="nt-browse-entry">Pick option</option>
<option value="2" class="nt-browse-entry">Change</option>
<option value="5" class="nt-browse-entry">Display</option>
The html for the <select></select> is constructed and pasted in the browse as XHTML. (looks great!)
The JS part is written as:
function location_href(e) {
// debugger;
var myUrl;
myUrl = 'localhost:88/screen01' + e.name + '&t=opt&opt=' + e.value + '&sfr=' + e.id;
location.href = myUrl;
CopyAll and GzipAll are done.
I really need this functionality.
What can I do?
Rene Simons