Hey Jeff,
I'm going off of memory here so I may be rusty on static pages...
I don't know if you're wanting the generated Index page or not.
You may notice under the default page field, Webserver window, webserver extension, it defaults to "IndexPage." Notice the missing "htm" or "html" extension. You can create a static Index page and reference it in the defaut page field but enter the full filename such as "Index.htm'
Remember each static page has to have <-- Net:WebServer --> at the top of the page in the html.
I juust re-read your original post and I think you still have both Index.htm files in your app. I don't think you can have both and the webserer serve the one you want.
Anyway, I hope maybe I shed some light on it. If not, post some more about your issue or I would be happy to schedule a Teamviewer session with you.
You can shoot me an email.