Back in 2012 you posted this code to help with getting multiple selected items from a drop list:
if MAI:AutoResponseText = ';|;multiple;|;'
n = p_web.GetPicture('MAI:AutoResponseText')
MAI:AutoResponseText = ''
loop x = 1 to n
MAI:AutoResponseText = clip(MAI:AutoResponseText) & ',' & p_web.GetValue('MAI:AutoResponseText' & x)
This works very well but when returning to the form later, the drop list does not have any items "pre-selected". We need a way to automatically set the selected items in a drop list.
In the above code you show, p_web.GetValue('MAI:AutoResponseText' & x). As an example, I wonder if something like, p_web.SetValue('MAI:AutoResponseText3', 'Item3Text') would allow us to set/select the third item in the drop list. If so, we can then open a form with a drop list that has items pre-selected. What do you think? Will the code p_web.SetValue('MAI:AutoResponseText3', 'Item3Text') accomplish this? I have tried but no success. Perhaps it won't actually work or I tried the wrong embeds?
Jeff King